In July 2014, we launched Eaze
to make medical marijuana affordable and accessible to qualified patients in California.
Scroll or use your up and down arrow keys to learn interesting facts about patient preferences and behaviors.
In 2015, Eaze expanded to 80+ cities in California,
reaching over 100,000 patients.
Every week, thousands of patients across California enjoy the convenience of medical marijuana delivery...
Northern Californians and Southern Californians prefer different types of marijuana.

NorCal typically gets its cannabis at night while
SoCal buys more throughout the day.

50% more of our daily orders happen at 10 AM on Saturdays, as compared to weekdays

April 20th is the biggest "holiday" for marijuana, with over 2.5x the normal number of orders

Holidays have surprising effects on when people medicate. On Thanksgiving, patients order before and after the big meal…
On Mother's Day, patients order 15% less

Technology powered marijuana delivery serves a younger market, though we see representatives of all ages.
Order times differ by age. 12% of 18-25 year olds order after 10 PM vs less than 5% of 40+ year olds.
Women are still a minority of medical marijuana patients.
1 in 4

Marijuana patients favor iPhones over Androids.
Marijuana delivery is primarily ordered from a smartphone

Some other interesting findings...
Oldest patient
90 years old
Most spent on a single delivery
Number of orders delivered in under 4 minutes and 20 seconds
Largest number of orders from one patient
When asked how medical marijuana helps them,
patients reported a variety of ailments...

Chronic Pain - 20%

Insomnia - 13%

Anxiety - 9%

Migraine - 12%

Arthritis - 3%

Nausea - 6%
...and they shared their heartfelt stories
"I am a colon cancer survivor...I have a lot of radiation damage and developed a perineal hernia. I live with constant pain. #MarijuanaHelps me cope with this awful pain!"
"I suffer from severe back pain. I work in construction have no insurance. My only option before was over the counter pain pills. I now smoke marijuana and don't have to worry about the horrible side effects. #MarijuanaHelps"
"I decided after doing research to get my medical card. It's been 2 years since I made that choice and my migraines are virtually gone. I am free of the pain and that's how #MarijuanaHelps me."
Eaze developed EazeMD in July of 2015 to connect patients with physicians for a medical marijuana evaluation. Since launch, Eaze has helped thousands of patients access their medicine.

Eaze is proud to serve the medical marijuana patients of California,
and looks forward to expanding to more cities in 2016.
Want to join the movement?
Join us on Reddit's r/trees Jan. 21st at 4:20 PST for an AMA with Eaze founder and CEO, Keith McCarty.
Sign up for Eaze
- Get $60 off your first three deliveries with code 2015 by using the button above -
Get a medical marijuana evaluation online
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